can you relate?
Your weekly rec. volleyball league and sporadic strength workouts were no longer cutting it and you wanted to step-up your fitness game...
So you downloaded your couch to 5k app -- fully ready to channel your inner elite athlete and get down to some serious business.
And as the weeks went by – you could feel your fitness improve and you were starting to feel unstoppable...

The problem?
But as the burning in your lungs fades it is replaced with an aching pain in your hip.
You try to run it off – but the pain gets worse.
So instead, you try:
Consulting Dr. Google
But nothing seems to give you any lasting relief and the pain seems to be bleeding over into your volleyball games.
You've tried...
You try to pump yourself up with all the affirmations …
But your heart sinks each time you hit the pavement running and have to return home at a snail's pace.
You long to feel like you did just a few years ago – stuffing the biggest opponents in your reverse tournament and cruising through the end line as you complete your last set of windsprings alongside your teammates.
You start to wonder if this injury is the price you are paying for being an athlete.
You think it must be because you are getting “old”.

Have you ever felt that way?
You are not alone and you aren’t doing anything wrong!
As an athlete, you were likely led to believe that working harder is what led you to all of your achievements.
Chances are, you were rewarded for your perseverance with praise, medals and ribbons.
But your younger days as an athlete also led you to believe that pain and injury are the price you have to pay for being active and getting older –
So you continue to push through the pain, secretly wondering when the day will come that you will have to stop doing the things that bring you the most joy.
Here's the truth:
The truth is ... most injuries don’t happen overnight and sports are designed to motivate athletes to keep playing at the expense of listening to their bodies.
It is 100% possible for you to be pain-free doing the things you love, now and for the rest of your life, despite your list of injuries and aging body.
By having a trusty teammate who knows your body and sport, you can get back to doing the things you love with complete trust in your body.

We believe that you deserve to have:
A clear plan that considers your unique needs and goals so that you can feel empowered by your rehab
Physical support that addresses all of the systems that contribute to optimal tissue healing, health and performance (metabolism, neurological system, musculoskeletal system etc) so that you can return to your sport, feeling confident in your body
A unique approach to Physical Therapy that addresses your whole health and function so that you can feel good and play well
It is 100% possible for you to go:

Relying on Advil to get through Monday night co-ed
Pulling yourself up the staircase after a day of volleyball
Worrying that your body is a ticking time bomb with all of your old sports injuries

Feeling confident starting a new sport without pre-calculating every single movement
Moving with ease as you go on a long hike the morning after a reverse 6s tournament
Appreciating how your old injuries have provided you with the perfect window to recover from pain and improve your performance
And guess what!
These clients aren't magical unicorns.
You can have what they have!
They worked with our team and you can too!
Curious to see if we would be a good fit to work together?
Book a complimentary strategy session!
On the call we will get clear on your goals, what is getting in the way and come up with a tangible plan to get you there!